Op. Dr. Hulya Bolu | Smart Lenses

Smart Lenses

Trifocal lenses, popularly known as “smart lenses”, are new generation multifocal intraocular lenses that can increase the visual clarity of patients without glasses at both close, intermediate and long distances.


In order to better understand smart lenses and the comfort they offer, I would like to give a brief information about our natural intraocular lenses.


Intraocular lenses, which have the task of focusing the light from the cornea on the retina, are flexible tissues with crystal clarity. Over time, the transparent and elastic texture of our intraocular lenses begins to change, and the accommodation, that is, the ability to adapt, begins to decrease due to different reasons such as aging, acquired systemic diseases, traumas to the eye and eye surgeries in the past. This change causes the function of the intraocular lenses to deteriorate and therefore to a decrease in the quality of vision. Sometimes, only the function of the eye lens is reduced, and sometimes its transparent texture is deteriorated simultaneously. “Cataract”, when the intraocular lens loses its transparency and begins to thicken; The deterioration of the functions of the lens of the eye leads to the formation of refractive disorders in the eye.


In the past years, while there were no smart lenses that allow to see both the near, the middle and the far at the same time, single-focal (monofocal) lenses were used when the natural intraocular lens needed to be changed. However, since monofocal lenses have features that can only provide long distance vision without glasses, they could not supply with the demands of patients not to use close glasses. Later, with the change of medical technologies and needs, bifocal multifocal lenses were developed. Thanks to multifocal lenses, the problems of those who do not want to wear glasses both at close and far distances have been solved.


But our daily life is becoming increasingly complex and dependent on technology. Now tablets, televisions, computers, etc. In order to be able to use the devices, it is necessary to have high visual clarity at medium distances. The increase in these needs is considered as the biggest trigger of advances in artificial intraocular lens technology. Thanks to the trifocal lenses, which are shown as the most advanced artificial intraocular lenses, patients can easily see near, middle and far distances; The need for wearing glasses disappears, and thanks to the lifetime of these lenses, patients can meet with great comfort.


What is Smart Lens?

In the light of all these explanations, “What is a smart lens?” I want to give a short answer to the question. Smart lenses are produced for the purpose of eliminating visual defects that occur when the texture of the natural eye lens deteriorates and / or its functions are reduced; They are artificial intraocular lenses that can be used for life and provide high comfort to patients, eliminating the need for glasses by increasing the clarity of vision at near, medium and far distances.


With the smart lens, it can successfully supply with the need to see the middle distance clearly in today’s conditions. However, when it comes to smart lenses, I can say that their most distinguishing feature is the high visual clarity they offer at intermediate distance. When we evaluate our needs during the day together with clear vision in the middle distance, we can simply understand how much easier life is thanks to trifocal intraocular lenses.


During the day, we can experience the comfort of trifocal lenses while using a computer, dealing with our mobile phone, working on our tablets or preparing food on the kitchen counter.


Although smart lens technology is revolutionary in itself, it is necessary to focus on features such as type and quality when choosing smart lenses. Accurate evaluation of the patient’s suitability and choosing the appropriate lens for the patient’s needs are important requirements that increase the advantages of smart lenses.


Why Are Smart Lenses Needed?


Smart lenses are not the same as contact lenses. These lenses are artificial lenses that fulfill the function of the natural, transparent and elastic intraocular lens in our eyes. Smart lenses are permanently placed in the eye instead of the natural eyepiece.


I can say that smart lens usage areas have diversified to supply with the needs that arise as a result of damage to the texture and functions of the natural eye lens.


Although the patient does not have cataracts, the use of smart lenses provides a significant comfort when refractive problems occur with aging. Therefore, when it comes to eliminating the patient’s refractive disorders, smart lenses offer a very successful solution.


Who Can Get a Smart Intraocular Lens?


In order for smart lenses to be placed, patients must have appropriate conditions.

Smart lenses can be placed in patients who are scheduled for cataract surgery or do not want to wear glasses after cataract surgery. It is possible for these patients to live without glasses when their natural eye lenses are replaced with smart lenses. Due to the lifetime of the smart lenses, the existing refractive disorders of the patients are eliminated.


In order to use smart lenses, the patient does not need to have cataract disease. Smart lenses can also be applied to patients who are young but have a high degree of hyperopia or myopia, in other words, they are not considered suitable for LASIK.


If all these factors I have mentioned are not evaluated and the eye examinations of the patients are not performed in detail, smart lens application should not be performed.


How is Smart Lens Operation Performed?


“Smart lens operation and cataract surgery are almost the same operations. Since the logic of the operation is to replace the natural intraocular lens that has lost its texture and/or functions, trifocal smart lenses should be replaced first, and the old lens should be removed first.


Today, due to advancing technology, cataract surgeries and clear lens replacement surgeries can be performed with both standard FACO and Femtosecond FAKO techniques.


During smart lens surgery, the patient’s eye is anesthetized with drops and the patient does not feel pain or pain during the operation.


The procedure is completed in approximately 5-10 minutes for each eye, and smart lenses can be placed in only one eye on the same day.


After the smart lens operation, patients do not need to stay in the hospital, they can return to their homes after their controls.


If smart lenses will be placed on both eyes, the other operation is performed 2-3 days after the first operation.


Another group of patients for whom smart lenses can be used is over the age of 40; They are those who have vision problems at far or near or both distances and want to completely get rid of wearing glasses.


In order to perform smart lens application, patients must be evaluated correctly. Smart lens application is not preferred in people with lazy eye, irregularity in corneal tissue, retinal damage due to diabetes, strabismus, eye pressure or macular degeneration.


FAQ About Smart Lenses

Does the need for glasses disappear after the smart lens is placed?

Yes, the main purpose of the development of trifocal lenses is to enable patients to achieve clear vision at close, intermediate and far distances without using glasses. Of course, it is not possible to generalize that all patients with smart lenses will stop using glasses 100%, but I can say that more than 90% of those who have smart lens surgery get rid of their glasses, based on the results and success rates of hundreds of smart lens operations I have performed.

Who Is Not Applicable To Smart Lens?

In order to be able to wear smart lenses, the patients must not have irregularities in the corneal structures, have no retinal damage, have no strabismus, not have eye diseases such as yellow spot or glaucoma, and not have advanced amblyopia.

What are the Advantages of Smart Lenses?

Smart lenses have three focal points, unlike single and bifocal intraocular lenses. Therefore, due to the new generation smart intraocular lenses, patients can have clear vision at near, intermediate and far distances.

Smart lenses are for life, the eye numbers of patients with smart lenses do not progress or re-cataract does not occur in these patients.

The smart lens allows to get rid of glasses and to be more comfortable in daily life.

In order to take full advantage of the smart lens advantages, the patients’ eye examinations and examinations must be done completely and evaluated correctly in the pre-operative period.

Do Smart Lenses Cause Allergies?

Intelligent intraocular lenses are produced using advanced technology in accordance with the natural texture of the eye. Smart lenses that meet quality standards are not likely to cause allergies in patients.

Does the Patient Have to Have Cataract for Smart Lens Surgery?

No, smart lens therapy can also be applied to people who provide suitable conditions for cataract patients, who have high degrees of hyperopia and/or myopia for laser, or who want to get rid of their glasses.